Finding my voice after Masters

It has been a while since I wrote a blog that wasn’t about work. There are a few reasons for this, but mainly, it is because I have been really busy with Masters, and then with Workshops. All this is suddenly coming to an end. Tomorrow I run the last workshop for this series (which […]
These tools can save you some heartache

When I tell people about my workshop series for parents (and professionals who work with children), there is always positive feedback. People comment about how the workshops are such a great way to help parents deal with awkward questions kids have. Sure, social etiquette plays a role in the positive feedback I get, but there […]
Thinking, questioning, practice and feedback: Some of the reasons Tools for Having “The Talks, yes plural” is 3 separate workshops

I often get asked why my Workshop Series Tools for having “The Talks, yes plural” is three separate workshops, instead of one long workshop. This is a valid question. It hints at the logistics of having to find babysitters for three separate days, even if only for a few hours each. I get it. I really do. […]
When I was a young girl… and rape culture

Recently I came across this wonderful Tedx Talk about Rape Culture. One of her statements really hit home, and I want to tell you a personal story about this particular myth. These words have been running through my mind for a few days now, so I hope that what follows makes sense. Her statement is: […]
What makes Sex ‘Normal’?

Have you wondered if your sex is ‘normal’? People often ask me if the sex they are having is ‘normal’. This seems to be something that many people are concerned about. If you want my opinion, giving and receiving pleasure with one’s body is perfectly normal. That is what sex is supposed to be all […]
Shouting, and screaming, and yelling, Oh my!

How often have you thought to yourself: “I’m sure I listened when my parents shouted at me, why is my child not listening when I shout”? Often, shouting at our children when they have done something wrong does not prevent that behaviour in the future. In most cases, the yelling is a last resort, for […]
Anger Management

I get asked a lot about what happens in my Anger Management sessions. The answer is a difficult one, because every one experiences anger in a different way. Now I am talking about anger, the go-to feeling that most people use when they are having a negative experience of sorts. I am not talking about […]
Counselling for parents: Is your child different?

I have a passion for providing counselling for parents who have children who are, for lack of a better term, ‘different’. What does different mean in this context? It can mean anything, from finding out that your child has Down Syndrome, Autism or any other kind of special need. It can mean that the doctors […]
Relationship Counselling with great results

Relationships can be amazing. In fact, they often are. They can make people feel like they belong somewhere, and that they are loved. Relationships can make you feel understood, sexy, and desirable. However, relationships can also cause heartache and a general feeling of dissatisfaction. Misunderstandings can create tension, and often lead to arguments and fights. […]
Rape Awareness Campaigns

Today there has been a lot of media coverage for the #stoprape awareness campaign in remembrance of the Anene Booysen tragedy. And I am conflicted by it. I am glad that it is being covered by the media, as something that is horrific and needs to end. But I don’t like people saying that South African’s are […]
Premature Ejaculation and Real Men

For sexuality and intimacy counselling, I see many clients who are embarrassed by their concerns. Often, I am the first person whom these people talk to about their sexual problems. One client described the effect’s of premature ejaculation on his self-esteem. What made this particular client stand out for me, was the way he said his […]