Workshops for Parents

Tools for Having “The Talks”  – is a 3 day Workshop Series for Parents and caregivers assisting them to have age-appropriate conversations with their children about bodies, boundaries & consent and “the sex talks”.

The series has three age groups, each with specific information the WHO and UNESCO recommend children know at the different ages of development.

These age groups are: 3-6 year olds; 7-10 year olds; and 11-14 year olds.

These workshops are based on the WHO (World Health Organisation) and the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation) guidelines for sexuality education.

I started running these workshops in 2014, with parents, teachers and caregivers, to increase their knowledge and confidence when navigating body-based conversations with children as young as 3 years old, all the way up to teenagers.

Host the Workshop series on dates that suit you!

Once this COVID19 situation is over, and it is safe to gather again…

You can arrange a group of 5 parents with children in a similar age group, and I will come  run the Workshop Series at one of your homes! (Offer limited to Johannesburg and surrounding areas).
Book your own Workshop Series