So something really bad has happened to you or a loved one…What Now?

What Now Counselling offers a wide range of individual-based counselling services for the crappy things that happen in life that can often leave you thinking “What Now?”

There are many situations which leave us wondering “What Now?”  Some include if you or a loved one:

  • Having experienced a trauma, 
  • Relationship difficulties, and want to work on your own contributions to the situation,
  • Going through some difficulties which affects your (or their) ability to be sexual or intimate, 
  • Have a sexuality and/or gender identity that is outside of society’s cis-heteronormative expectations, 
  • Have (or recently discovered) an intersex variation, and would like to talk through what this means for you,
  • Feeling like your previous Sexuality and Relationship Education has been inadequate, and you want to do better – for your own life and as a parent of a young person.


Counselling provides a safe space to explore the fears and anxieties that come up in “What Now?” situations.

Our sexuality is a sensitive but important part of our lives. It is more than who we are attracted to. It includes how we think of ourselves as sexual beings, our attractions, the kinds of sexual engagements we (want to) have, and more. When we are comfortable with our own sexuality, life seems to flow smoothly. However, when our sexuality is a source of conflict in our lives, life seems to be full of hurdles and obstacles.


White furry pet dog lying on the crumpled sheets of a bed

Being Queer often involves questioning societal norms and expectations, especially when they do not seem to sit well with you. This could be in terms of who you are attracted to with regards to sexual or romantic attractions, or how you identify, experience and/or express your gender. Maybe it is in relation to monogamy not making too much sense, or having an interest, curiosity in exploring Kink, or have been enjoying Kink for some time.

Sex means different things to different people. Everyone has their own specific definition of what sex means to them. Sex is everywhere in the media, yet there are few places where sex is spoken about in clear language. This has lead to many people expecting a certain kind of sexual experience that is unlikely to occur outside of a scripted scene. Counselling can be a helpful space to think about how these different messages about sex have impacted your life, or the sex you are (or are not) having is a source of distress or dissatisfaction.

Counselling around sexuality often involves referrals to doctors who work with sexual health and/or pelvic floor physio therapists for a holistic approach.

Two fat femmes sitting in bed together, with the covers over their lower bodies. There is a small dog lying on the blanket, on top of the person on the left